A few in-progress shots of my Dodge L-700 project for AMT/Round 2.
Marta Lisa
An oil pastel rendition of my wife. I entitled it “Marta Lisa” as it reminds me of the famous Mona Lisa. 16.625” x 23.875” on Canson Mi-Teintes Pastel Paper. I wanted to capture a bit of a “renaissance” feel to this one as the pose is very regal. Marta took the photo that inspired this piece herself and when I saw it I just had to depict it. Marta’s father was a gifted professional photographer and I think that Marta has inherited some of that talent.
Completed Box Art Peterbilt 352 "Coors"
Here is another completed project for AMT/Round 2 Corp. A Peterbilt 352 “Coors” rendered in gouache. The client asked for a winter scene and a specific colour scheme to show a “Rocky Mountain” backdrop to go with the “Coors” theme. This project required a side view profile rendering as well. Reference photos of a built-up model were provided.
Peterbilt 352 "Coors" More Progress
More progress on the Pete. The landscape reference is for colour scheme and setting as the client asked for a "Rocky Mountain" theme with cool colours including pinks and blues.
Peterbilt 352 "Coors" WIP
Some progress on the Pete
Peterbilt 352 "Coors" in gouache for AMT/Round 2 Corporation
Another project for an upcoming release for AMT/Round 2. A Peterbilt 352 "Coors" that will be rendered in gouache. Here is the linear.
2nd of 3 in Tripoli
This image depicts Hermann Lang in his Mercedes W154 on his way to the second of three consecutive victories on the Mellaha circuit of the Tripoli Grand Prix in 1938. The attached screen shot was my initial reference in creating this one. Acrylic on canvas. 12" x 16"
Dodge L-700 in Gouache
This is the linear for an upcoming project for AMT/Round2 Corporation. A Dodge L-700 in gouache.
Auto Union Racing Car in Acrylics
Working away on this small acrylic. It will depict an Auto Union race car in the Alps. The Auto Union were the predecessors to the present Audi. Auto Union AG, was an amalgamation of four German automobile manufacturers (Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer) founded in 1932 in Chemnitz, Saxony. It is the immediate predecessor of Audi as it is known today. The challenge with images such as these though is the details need to be correct, and I think this image needs to be revised as it depicts a chassis that didn’t actually race in the Alps, so it will need to be updated to depict a 1938 Auto Union N83.
1965 Pontiac GTO Hardtop (2nd View)
The second view for this project for AMT/Round2. Box art for an upcoming AMT kit, a 1965 Pontiac GTO Hardtop. This is the first of two views. Gouache on smooth illustration board.
1965 Pontiac GTO Hardtop
Another project for AMT/Round2. Box art for an upcoming AMT kit, a 1965 Pontiac GTO Hardtop. This is the first of two views. Gouache on smooth illustration board.
1965 Pontiac GTO Hardtop Digital Roughs
A couple of quick digital renderings to be used as a guide for an upcoming rendering for AMT/Round2.
Gaston Chevrolet Monroe #4
A pencil image depicting Gaston Chevrolet in his 1920 Monroe #4, designed by his older brother Louis. Chevrolet won the 1020 Indianapolis 500 in this car.
Going For Broke (Colour )
Here is an acrylic that depicts the T51 Bugatti of Louis Chiron leading the Alfa Romeo P3 of Tazio Tuvolari at the 1932 Targa Florio. Nuvolari would eventually win the race with Chiron finishing 3rd.
Going for Broke
Here is a concept drawing that I will work up into a colour image. It depicts the T51 Bugatti of Louis Chiron leading the Alfa Romeo P3 of Tazio Tuvolari at the 1932 Targa Florio. Nuvolari would eventually win the race with Chiron finishing 3rd.
Alfa Romeo 8C 2300
The Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 of Baconin Borzacchini and Amedeo Bignami at the 1932 Mille Miglia. Acrylic on board. 9.625" x 7.125"
Rick's Ride
This was a commission to portray a rare 1977 Camaro which was owned by well-known aviation artist Rick Herter. Acrylic on canvas, 16" x 12"
AMT Kenworth Alaskan Hauler/Peterbilt 377 Finished Box Tops
Here are the final box tops as will be printed for the release of Round2 Corp/AMT's Alaskan Hauler and Peterbilt 377
AMT Kenworth Alaskan Hauler & Profile (Complete)
Here are the completed illustrations for the upcoming AMT kit. Gouache on board. 20” x 15” and 14" x 11"
AMT Kenworth Alaskan Hauler
Here is the completed main illustration for the upcoming AMT kit. I will be doing a profile view for the side of the box as well. Gouache on board. 20” x 15”