Bandit vs Lee

I began a canvas depicting what will be the Bandit Trans-Am and the General Lee. The first two colour images show the taped out images pretty clear. The third shows the start of the General Lee. I usually work smaller and on a desk as opposed to an easel. I'd like to do more larger work in the future. 48" x 24". Acrylic on canvas.


Still Life with 8 Ball

This one is done. I added an 8 ball as opposed to a blue ball which I was going to do originally. It would have been too much blue. The eight ball helps in creating more interest and contrast. Acrylic on Masonite 21.75” x 16.5”


Another Still Life - WIP

I have begun another still life in acrylics. This one will be a study of glass and reflection. Acrylic on Gessoed Masonite. 22.75” x 16.325”


A Star is Born (Colour Study)

This gouache study is now complete. I'll use it as a basis for (hopefully) a large oil painting. I haven't used oils much, a handful of times since my childhood, but I would like to begin using oils again. 10.25” x 8.5”


A New Musician Portrait - Preliminary Value Drawing

I’d like to do another portrait of a musician. This time I will try and tackle a portrayal of Lady Gaga. I like the passion that she shows for her work and her passion for individuality and acceptance of others unconditionally. I would like my piece to reflect her passion through dramatic use of light and contrast and in the portrait overall. This is a small pencil drawing to try and establish an overall composition and mood. The lower sketch was my initial concept but I didn’t feel it was strong enough. It looks more like the beginnings of an editorial illustration.


Another Cuda

I started this one a couple of days ago as an experiment to loosen up a bit although I can’t escape my penchant for exactness. It’s acrylic on board. 9” x 6”.


Camaro - Complete

First complete project for 2019. 8x10 Canvas depicting a 1967 Camaro SS at the 2018 Oshawa Auto Fest at Lakeview Park.


Camaro - Further Progress

Blocked in the car, it looks like it will develop nicely once I add details, highlights, clean it up a bit and add some subtleties to the overall tone to create some atmosphere and depth. ALso will need to soften edges, masking can create the hard effect at first which can be softened later.


Christmas Ornaments

Painted up a few ornaments with acrylics. I hope these will be appreciated by whoever receives one.


Camaro on Canvas - 8x10 (Update)

Blocked in a bit of the background trees. This is the rough stage for blocking in value and tone. Hopefully it will come together eventually.


Camaro on Canvas - 8x10

Another scene from Autofest last August. This one will depict a 1969 Chevy Camaro SS with an El Camino in the background.


Doug Gilmour Autographed Painting

I am fortunate to have had Doug sign my painting and a few prints at the Toronto Sports Expo on September 22, 2018. Everything comes with a certificate of authenticity and a seal.


Cuda Update

Chipping away at it. The details will hopefully bring it to life.
